Articles and Book Chapters
- “A Pre-Romanesque evidence...” (2013)

- “...a disappeared medieval architecture...” (2013)

- “The causes and the consequences of the 1951 fire...” (2016)

- “Decoding de planning rules...” (2017)

- “The role of regular clergy...” (2017)

- “...the monastic precinct of San Julián de Samos...” (2017)

- “Discovering a monastic landscape...” (2017)

- “Durán Salgado, De la Sota, Samos...” (2017)

- “The removal of the choir...” (2017)

- “The reform of Samos Abbey between 1491 and 1637...” (2017)

- “Seeking the traces of a former monastic landscape...” (2017)

- “Drawing the past shape of the monastic town...” (2017)

- “The role of the Valencian Juan Monleón Sapiña...” (2017)

- “Visualizing the physical changes...” (2018)

- “The blacksmithies of the monastery...” (2020)

- “...vaults and domes from the Modern Age...” (2020)